Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ancient History Haunts Today

We have seen a lot of apology's lately over such deeds as the Komagatu Maru,Residential schools,The Chinese exclusion act and the incarceration of the Japanese during ww2.There was the reparations for the Chinese head tax as well.What do all these things have in common?They are all sprung from the poison soil of racism.They were all grown in the early to mid 20th century.What else was sown in the same period?Our drug laws beginning with the opium tax act of 1907.This was MacKenzie -King's answer to the so called Chinese riot which we now know was a white riot in which the Chinese were brutalised.It began a racist inspired onslaught of drug laws that were passed to protect white society from the negroes,hispanics,jazz musicians and those that would seduce white women with their demon drugs.That's a near quote from Harry Anslinger,the first drug Czar in America.Of course we in Canada followed along like the tail on the dog.There will come a time when the people that have carried out this infringement of our personal freedoms will be called to task for their ignorance and the heavy handed way in which this war has been prosecuted.The moralistic dogma that currently keeps us bound by these racist and baseless laws will one day end and there will be more apology's and maybe even reparations for people who have spent their lives in prison for a harmless herb or because they are damaged and broken and have sought solace in the opium dream world.The criminal gangs that are reaping such huge profits from the current black market will be putting their children up for office just like the Kennedy's of today.Isn't it time this last vestige of racist policy be put to rest?The damage is obvious for all to see and it's only the same moralistic and racist groups that line up in opposition to the ending of the war on drugs.Those that are uninformed and in fear of a future that they,through their ignorance,have no concept of must be educated to where they understand that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.There will always be a small(never more than 1&1/2%)number of people that are so broken by life that they will seek solace in hard drugs.The rest of the population will treat it like the disease that it is.Marijuana will be legal like it should have been all along.We will be able to once again see the police as the good guys and there will be respect for law and order once again.Tyrany In the form of unjust and unpopular law should be resisted and given no room to grow.The current drug laws are an abomination and the last refuge for racist based 20th century crimes.Once an egalitarian society realises this the drug war will end and we will be on our way to a more serene and peaceful world.