Thursday, February 19, 2009

The reason for an independent judiciary

Anyone that's media aware knows that there has been a runnung gang war over leadership of the drug trade for more than a year.As each person is killed,those under him will both seek revenge and then,eventually seek out that persons position.For every gangster taken out of the mix,there will be more violence.The police reaction(not plan,reaction)is to 1.ask the public for help2.Ask the gangsters for help and tough and pretend people are finally co operating.If the public knew anything they would be in a position to know that their lives were in danger and that the RCMP can't even protect their own.Gangsters don't talk to police.It's like treason and looked on as such.Blood in,blood out.Protection and protection and talking to gangsters leads to low lifes trying to settle scores and to slide on serious crimes for testimony.These are usually thr worst of the worst,true sociopaths.The cops may move one next door to you.All this is to prosecute a failed and expensive drug war that keeps these gangsters in guns, money,kevlar,armored cars and explosives.When I was involved in the drug trade in the early 70's,police drug squads were expanded incredibly to take on whart was mainly soft drugs.They crushed and imprisoned for unconcionable lengths of time,hippiwe types that were harmless.Even hard drug addicts were for the most part harmless.As the war on drugs was escalated,it took a tougher and hardes person to stay in the game.Now these people know each other life long abd would rather die that rat out a brother.They stand up together and fall together.Sending some hack out from Ottawa will axccomplish nothing with the possible loss of our individual rights.Tories love to monitor every minite of every day and that includes every method of communication.Are you ready for US north?It's coming.The drug war is a war on freedom and a war on ordinary citizens.Law enforcement loves it as much as they revelled in the 19th ammendment.seizures,wiretaps ,interceptions of all wireless communications,cameras on every corner.All for your protection,of course.They'd never overstep their boundries.Dream on.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ancient History Haunts Today

We have seen a lot of apology's lately over such deeds as the Komagatu Maru,Residential schools,The Chinese exclusion act and the incarceration of the Japanese during ww2.There was the reparations for the Chinese head tax as well.What do all these things have in common?They are all sprung from the poison soil of racism.They were all grown in the early to mid 20th century.What else was sown in the same period?Our drug laws beginning with the opium tax act of 1907.This was MacKenzie -King's answer to the so called Chinese riot which we now know was a white riot in which the Chinese were brutalised.It began a racist inspired onslaught of drug laws that were passed to protect white society from the negroes,hispanics,jazz musicians and those that would seduce white women with their demon drugs.That's a near quote from Harry Anslinger,the first drug Czar in America.Of course we in Canada followed along like the tail on the dog.There will come a time when the people that have carried out this infringement of our personal freedoms will be called to task for their ignorance and the heavy handed way in which this war has been prosecuted.The moralistic dogma that currently keeps us bound by these racist and baseless laws will one day end and there will be more apology's and maybe even reparations for people who have spent their lives in prison for a harmless herb or because they are damaged and broken and have sought solace in the opium dream world.The criminal gangs that are reaping such huge profits from the current black market will be putting their children up for office just like the Kennedy's of today.Isn't it time this last vestige of racist policy be put to rest?The damage is obvious for all to see and it's only the same moralistic and racist groups that line up in opposition to the ending of the war on drugs.Those that are uninformed and in fear of a future that they,through their ignorance,have no concept of must be educated to where they understand that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.There will always be a small(never more than 1&1/2%)number of people that are so broken by life that they will seek solace in hard drugs.The rest of the population will treat it like the disease that it is.Marijuana will be legal like it should have been all along.We will be able to once again see the police as the good guys and there will be respect for law and order once again.Tyrany In the form of unjust and unpopular law should be resisted and given no room to grow.The current drug laws are an abomination and the last refuge for racist based 20th century crimes.Once an egalitarian society realises this the drug war will end and we will be on our way to a more serene and peaceful world.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hiding the agenda

Say you were a hard line anti drug type that wanted to form a group of like minded individuals and yet sound like you were reasonable open minded people.What to call this bunch of ultra conservative neo-cons so as not to scare away any dupes that you might be able to persuade to join your cause.In Vancouver B.C. they chose :Keeping the Door Open.Pretty clever when your group has such members as health minister George Abbott and civil city enforcer Geoff Plante as well as Mayor Sam Sullivan.Remember Sam? He of the now Infamous CAST program which Sam was telling everyone within earshot that was a done deal,the cheque was in the mail.It's looking like CAST was never anything more than another of Sam's pipe dreams.I wonder what Sam smokes in that pipe?I happened to be in the section that these people sat in at the second of three meetings by the real drug reform movement in February.All they did was complain and moan that harm reduction would take money away from their long running abstinence programs.The very last thing that these people want is for a real open and frank discussion to take place on the drug issue.The reason they were absent at the third meeting was because they wanted the floor to themselves.They've been doing and saying the same things since the drug war began and before that.Only one of the daily freebies bothered to cover the meetings and 24hrs was shameless in it's aggrandizing of the group and it's political clout.Of course politicians would support anyone that backs the drug war.It's too bad that a paper that is supposed to report the news with impartiality is so obviously in support of drug war politics and all things prohibition..This group champions the status quo.They are the people in charge of things like methadone programs,12 step programs,forced treatment regimens and all the things that have gotten us to where we are today.If you want to see new things tried and new approaches to try to find realistic solutions to our drug problems this group will slam the door in your face.They oppose all things open and researched.they're too busy protecting their turf.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Scum Also Rises

British Columbia is a place where we like our politics loud and abrasive.To say things are always on the up and up would be like looking for that rabbit hole.The current Liberal government came to power as much because of absolute disgust with the previous NDP government as for anything they did or said.They did,however,promise to be honest and open and to clean up the image of government.No-one can argue that they've been and done anything but.Now the voice of law and order,the solicitor general of the province,has been forced to resign due to an old scandal that followed him from his old job as mayor of Chilliwack.This government has been scandal prone and anything but transparent in it's dealings with the doings of government and is currently emeshed in a trial that they seem to be stalling in the hope that it will go away.(go to Bill tielman's site for all the dirt on Basi-Virk)Premier Gordon Campbell started things off by getting arrested for impaired driving and refusing to resign.Now,in a move that only the arrogance of this government would try to pull off.Mr.Les tried to put forward a bill that would implement mandatory minimum prison time for that very crime.That Les is gone will cause no-one to lose any sleep in this province.For as long as I can remember the Liberals seemed invulnerable to any kind of defeat.The current leader of the NDP won't be able to make any gains because her recent policy decisions have been so unpopular the NDP couldn't win a fixed election.That said,this could be the beginning of the end.This government is it's own worst enemy and Gordo's recent epiphany on climate change is being handled like every thing else this government does.He made grand announcements first and then put his people to work trying to figure out if it was even possible.The recent resignation of the person Campbell put in charge says a lot about how high the mountain is and how little thought went into planning it.

Try a lot more self esteem and a lot less bull

Vancouver's mayor Sam Sullivan met with the dinosaurs of the drug movement today as they made their case for a bigger chunk of the drug war pie.In a move that would virtually duplicate the recent campaign by the Harper Conservatives,they want to lecture youth as young as seven years old on the perils of drug use.These people are hard line abstinence proponents and think all drugs belong in the same book.They are the left over just say no crowd that want a drug free world and actually think they can make one happen.It's like the sixties never happened.There was no Viet Nam and Happy Days was a true story.Drugs are for the negroes and jazz musicians and have no place in a white bread world.If I sound a tad bitter it's because it's people like these that are maintaining the ridiculous drug laws that are destroying society as we know it.I have no beef with their desire to give children a sense of self and some self confidence.It's just that there are a lot of kids that have really horrible lives.This province has the worst child poverty in Canada and these people want more money for a drug awareness program that is based on a myth.There are better ways to spend our money and drug education should be fact based and not a diatribe of prohibitionist non-sense.I too think it's vital to give our youth the information necessary to allow them to make informed decisions on their drug use or lack of it.To use campaigns that lump marijuana in with heroin and speed is the kind of programs that have given youth the false impression that marijuana is addictive and no worse than heroin.That might be alright in an abstinence world but it makes no sense in the real one.These are well meaning people.I have heard them speak and I know they feel passionate.It's too bad that they're so ill informed and misguided.They have been the benefactors of years of funding for a failed abstinence philosophy and are fighting for what they see as their share of the drug war pie.They do so much harm and have no clue that they're doing it.The days when you could tell some scary stories and show some frightening movies are gone.If you want to make a difference you have to tell the truth now.Everything is at their finger tips.The drug war is a lost and flawed cause.Giving money to groups like these is like flushing money down the toilet.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Internet addiction same as drugs

That's the subject matter of the page A9 it the Vancouver Province newspaper,Monday,March 17,2008.One article quotes doctor Gabor Mate,an expert on addiction and obsession.He says that addiction is due to an imbalance in the brains reward and incentive circuitry. The second article views hours spent on the net as a brain disorder.Compulsive E-mailing and text messaging could soon be classified as a brain illness.This article goes on to quote all kinds of scientific journals and medical manuals that claim that internet addiction will soon be added to the list of psychiatric illnesses.Psychiatry's guidebook of mental disorders.I guess it's just a matter of time until we see politicians demanding laws to restrict the time a person can spend on the web.For our own good,of course.Tobacco is now illegal in prisons in Canada.How the government managed to pass such a discriminatory law is no mystery.The so called Liberal opposition has abdicated it's responsibility and the country now has to live with just about anything Steven Harper can come up with.He just postures and threatens an election and Dion runs for the washroom.He takes his caucus with him.Now we have mandatory minimum sentences for the cultivation of one pot plant and anyone that has no ID has lost the right to vote.It was a politically brilliant move as the poor and the homeless would never vote for Harper any way.Ditto for the working poor who often cannot afford to replace ID lost or stolen.People with no permanent address have also been disenfranchised as the ID required has to have a current address.By passing this law,the Conservatives have disallowed thousands of votes that would have been cast against them anyway.That the opposition allowed these bills to pass shows there is no difference between the two major political parties.No-one sees the poor let alone care about the fact their vote has been stolen out from under them.The right to vote is the one thing that we,as a democracy,should fight for to the death.That it's been stolen from thousands of our fellow citizens by sleazy politics and back room dealing makes any claim by Harper and his government that they care about the working poor an outright lie.They knew exactly who they were disenfranchising and why.They were patting each other on the back the other day over extending of the Afghan mission,smiling as another young Canadian was dying in the Afghan dirt.Of course they feel terrible every time a soldier dies.That's what they want us to believe.

meet the press

If anyone had any doubt witch side was responsible for the outrageous rhetoric it was all very clear on meet the press,Sunday,march 16'08.The Clinton representative was blowing so much smoke it must have been hard to breathe.If she'd said;" with due respect" one more time I would have puked.Hillary Clinton has changed positions so many times it's impossible to know what she really believes anymore.The woman representing Clinton did things like saying :"now I'm not speaking about Obama's preacher friend "etc.etc.They never stick with any position long enough to tell what they really stand for.Now they want to count Florida and Michigan although Obama wasn't on one ballot and didn't campaign in another because they had both agreed not to.The Clinton plan has been very obvious from mid contest.She will try to include Michigan and Florida and then hopes to be close enough to take it with super delegates.Just listen to Hillary or her surrogates and this becomes crystal clear.They know the only way they can win is to manipulate the numbers in whatever way favors her.They object to or ignore(that ruled on this day)any argument that shows Obama leading and taking more states.Their every move today sounded like hedging and obfuscating facts or just muddying the water.Hillary Clinton's people are fighting a dirty campaign and claiming to be doing nothing like that.They are disingenuous and dishonest at the very least.